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But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

-Matthew 6:33 KJV-


Seeking the Kingdom of God and HIS righteousness is an essential act that is critical and beneficial to the daily walk and  life of the believer. Here we provide a snapshot of different ways that we aim to advance the Kingdom of God, and invite you all to join us in our efforts!


Christian based conferences offer a wide range of knowledge, information, strategies, and instruction to the local community and beyond. As a mime artist, one should always look for opportunities to improve their artistry, and enhance their talents. 


Give God Your Best!


Workshops are a great way to discover the creativity and uniqueness of the Mime minister. These smaller settings are ideal for beginner mimes, and they provide a safe, intimate space for the mime to dig into their creative abilities within a short period of time. 



And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.


Hebrews 13:16                                                                                               


Grow Your Vision 

We are excited about  connecting with you, growing with you, and helping to enhance your artistry! For more information click the button below and get ready to grow!

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